Monday 18 December 2006

just another thought of the day

Have you ever had the feeling that the whole Universe is inside of you?
When did you feel it for the first time?
Do you still have this feeling?
Is it real or is it just a reflected feeling?

Have you realized the Rule of the Opener?
The more you open/learn - the more the pressure that Life puts on you…
YOU know how it works though, you do know this law perfectly – it’s in your genetic code.

You remember your first summer? A ladybird slowly climbing on the emerald-colored blade, the sun caressing every inch of your skin, the wind gently playing with your hair, blandly cooling your cheeks - an absolute Harmony, an absolute belonging to the Universe – you belong to each other, you are the One, inseparable entity.

May Love and Harmony still live in the temple of your universe?
If not, than go get it!
Find it and never let it go.

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